Day 0
Well, the second day of our Operation Crescent Relief mobilization is over. It’s 2:19 A.M., so I’m not going to write much tonight. Yesterday we assembled at the East St. Louis Armory at 1400 (2:00 P.M for civilians), packed and went back home or to a hotel (paid for by the National Guard for those that live more than 50 miles away). “Today” (yesterday, actually) we rode to Springfield in buses—well, most of us. A few, myself included, drove some trucks up. After in-processing, PMCS (maintenance) on the vehicles, and multiple snafus with staging (lining the vehicles up) and getting proper driver’s lists made up, I’m finally about to bed down. The troops have been asleep for a couple of hours, and the higher leadership is still up. Probably no sleep for them.
Today (Thursday) is Day 0 because our actual State Active Duty doesn’t start until tomorrow (Friday). Today we are on “Additional Annual Training” status, and yesterday was a Drill day, in lieu of September Drill.
• We are heading South tomorrow, probably to Memphis.
• We have drawn a lot of 5-ton cargo trucks from other units, and will be driving them for the duration.
• We received orders that read “30 days.” They do not read “unless later extended” meaning that it would at least be somewhat difficult for them to keep us longer than that. They are telling us to expect three weeks.
• A National Guard helicopter has been shot at in the disaster area.
• A National Guardsman has been shot in the disaster area.
• Martial Law has been declared in the disaster area.
Electrical outlets are in extremely high demand. There is probably not an accessible outlet in this building (or on the outside wall) that is not in use. For what? Cell phones. I had to unplug a soda machine to recharge mine. I have never seen the like of this before.
Power Strip
I had to cut the lock off of a truck this evening because I couldn’t find the keys. I presumed they had fallen out of my pocket at some point. Only later did I realize that I had given the keys to someone else in case the truck needed to be moved in my absence.
Good night.

Today (Thursday) is Day 0 because our actual State Active Duty doesn’t start until tomorrow (Friday). Today we are on “Additional Annual Training” status, and yesterday was a Drill day, in lieu of September Drill.
• We are heading South tomorrow, probably to Memphis.
• We have drawn a lot of 5-ton cargo trucks from other units, and will be driving them for the duration.
• We received orders that read “30 days.” They do not read “unless later extended” meaning that it would at least be somewhat difficult for them to keep us longer than that. They are telling us to expect three weeks.
• A National Guard helicopter has been shot at in the disaster area.
• A National Guardsman has been shot in the disaster area.
• Martial Law has been declared in the disaster area.
Electrical outlets are in extremely high demand. There is probably not an accessible outlet in this building (or on the outside wall) that is not in use. For what? Cell phones. I had to unplug a soda machine to recharge mine. I have never seen the like of this before.
Power Strip
I had to cut the lock off of a truck this evening because I couldn’t find the keys. I presumed they had fallen out of my pocket at some point. Only later did I realize that I had given the keys to someone else in case the truck needed to be moved in my absence.
Good night.
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